Mathieu d'Aquin
Professor of computer science
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Mathieu d'Aquin is a professor, researcher and a developper. His work addresses current challenges in bridging the gap between raw, heterogeneous, multi-source data, and exploitable knowledge. His research on the semantic web, knowledge graphs, knowledge engineering, ontologies and (neuro-symbolic) artificial intelligence has been applied in many different domaines.
Latest Publications
Metastatic Site Prediction in Breast Cancer using Omics Knowledge Graph and Pattern Mining with Kirchhoff's Law TraversalbioRxiv 2020Cited 0 times
The Data Ethics Challenges of Explainable AI and Their Knowledge-Based Solutions.Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence, 262-275 2020Cited 0 times
Uncovering Semantic Bias in Neural Network Models Using a Knowledge GraphProceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information … 2020Cited 0 times
Relaxing global-as-view in mediated data integration from linked dataProceedings of The International Workshop on Semantic Big Data, 1-6 2020Cited 0 times
Robot–city interaction: mapping the research landscape—a survey of the interactions between robots and modern citiesInternational Journal of Social Robotics 12 (2), 299-324 2020Cited 14 times
Person-Independent Multimodal Emotion Detection for Children with High-Functioning AutismCited 0 times
Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library dataInternational Journal on Digital Libraries 20 (1), 61-79 2019Cited 12 times
Unsupervised Learning Approach for Identifying Sub-genres in Music Scores.AICS, 52-63 2019Cited 0 times
QPPDs: Querying Property Paths Over Distributed RDF DatasetsIEEE Access 7, 101031-101045 2019Cited 0 times
Towards the Prediction of Semantic Complexity Based on Concept Graphs12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2019), 188-197 2019Cited 0 times
Heat diffusion approach for scientific impact analysis in social mediaSocial Network Analysis and Mining 9 (1), 1-13 2019Cited 1 times
A Cancer Genomics Data Space within the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud.SeWeBMeDa@ ISWC, 31-39 2019Cited 0 times
Challenges Track Chairs' WelcomeCompanion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1919-1919 2018Cited 0 times
Assessing the Readability of Policy Documents: The Case of Terms of Use of Online ServicesProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of … 2018Cited 0 times
Using Futuristic Scenarios for an Interdisciplinary Discussion on the Feasibility and Implications of TechnologyBlack Mirror and Critical Media Theory, 69 2018Cited 1 times
WebSci'18 Linked Learning 2018, 27 May 2018, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 7th International Workshop on Learning and Education with Web Data (# LILE2018)[Sl: sn] 2018Cited 0 times
Evaluating the AFEL Learning Tool: Didactalia Users' Experiences with Personalized Recommendations and Interactive Visualizations.AFEL@ EC-TEL 2018Cited 1 times
Propagating data policies: a user studyProceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-8 2017Cited 1 times
Supporting virtual integration of Linked Data with just-in-time query recompilationProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 112-119 2017Cited 1 times
Measuring accuracy of triples in knowledge graphsInternational Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, 343-357 2017Cited 13 times
TAA: A Platform for Triple Accuracy Measuring and Evidence Triples Discovering.International Semantic Web Conference (Posters, Demos & Industry Tracks) 2017Cited 0 times
An ontology-based approach to improve the accessibility of ROS-based robotic systemsProceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-8 2017Cited 5 times
Unsupervised learning for understanding student achievement in a distance learning setting2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1373-1377 2017Cited 7 times
Characterizing the landscape of musical data on the Web: State of the art and challengesCited 9 times
AFEL: Towards Measuring Online Activities Contributions to Self-directed Learning.ARTEL@ EC-TEL 2017Cited 7 times
Analysing and improving embedded markup of learning resources on the webProceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web companion … 2017Cited 11 times
Addressing exploitability of smart city data2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-6 2016Cited 13 times
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains-Volume 9678Springer-Verlag 2016Cited 2 times
DKA-robo: dynamically updating time-invalid knowledge bases using robotsEuropean Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, 193-197 2016Cited 0 times
An incremental learning method to support the annotation of workflows with data-to-data relationsEuropean Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, 129-144 2016Cited 2 times
Open Data for Education: Linked, Shared, and Reusable Data for Teaching and LearningSpringer 2016Cited 17 times
Learning to assess linked data relationships using genetic programmingInternational Semantic Web Conference, 581-597 2016Cited 7 times
The epistemology of intelligent semantic web systemsSynthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory and Technology 6 (1), 1-88 2016Cited 7 times
Modeling social web privacy to detect perception gapsProceedings of the 3rd workshop on Privacy Online 2015 (PrivOn 2015) 2015Cited 2 times
A bottom-up approach for licences classification and selectionEuropean Semantic Web Conference, 257-267 2015Cited 14 times
Using linked data traversal to label academic communitiesProceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 1029-1034 2015Cited 4 times
The learning analytics & knowledge (LAK) data challenge 2014Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics And … 2014Cited 11 times
The LinkedUp Data Catalogue: A Meta-Dataset of Linked Datasets in the Education DomainSemantic Web–Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 2014Cited 1 times
An evaluation framework for data competitions in TELEuropean Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 70-83 2014Cited 10 times
Using linked data in learning analyticsCited 9 times
Linked Data for Open and Distance Learning (Ed. 2)Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver 2014Cited 0 times
LED: curated and crowdsourced linked data on music listening experiencesCEUR-WS. org 1272, 93-96 2014Cited 7 times
Towards analytics and collaborative exploration of social and linked media for technology-enchanced learning scenariosCEUR-WS. org 2014Cited 4 times
Modeling and Reasoning Upon Facebook Privacy Settings.International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), 141-144 2013Cited 3 times
Interpreting data mining results with linked data for learning analytics: motivation, case study and directionsProceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and … 2013Cited 57 times
Proceedings of the 1st LAK Data ChallengeCited 0 times
Decentralized case-based reasoning and Semantic Web technologies applied to decision support in oncologyCited 5 times
Impact of using relationships between ontologies to enhance the ontology search resultsExtended Semantic Web Conference, 453-468 2012Cited 10 times
Proceedings 18th International Conference Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management;, EKAW 2012Springer 2012Cited 0 times
Characterizing modular ontologiesCited 46 times
Consumer activity data: Usages and challengesKnowledge Media Institute, Tech. Report kmi-12-03 2012Cited 2 times
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 18th International Conference, EKAW 2012, Galway City, Ireland, October 8-12, 2012, ProceedingsSpringer 2012Cited 4 times
Unsupervised data linking using a genetic algorithmKnowledge Media Institute: Milton Keynes, UK, 1-17 2011Cited 4 times
wayOU–Linked Data-Based social location tracking in a large, distributed organisationExtended Semantic Web Conference, 461-465 2011Cited 6 times
A novel approach to visualizing and navigating ontologiesInternational Semantic Web Conference, 470-486 2011Cited 92 times
Revision and extension of the NeOn Methodology for building contextualized ontology networksNeOn Deliverable D 5, 4.3 2010Cited 26 times
SOBOLEO–editor and repository for living ontologiesORES-2010 Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web, 1 2010Cited 3 times
Vers la combinaison de deux techniques d’évolution d’ontologies à partir de ressources générales et de ressources linguistiquesAtelier “Evolution d’ontologies” des 21e Journées francophones d’Ingénierie … 2010Cited 5 times
Semantic monitoring of personal web activity to support the management of trust and privacyCited 14 times
Context in the Large: Contextual Issues when Dealing with Thousands of Ontologies.CIAO@ EKAW 2010Cited 0 times
Extending open rating systems for ontology ranking and reuseInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2010Cited 11 times
Using ontological contexts to assess the relevance of statements in ontology evolutionInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2010Cited 21 times
Large scale integration of senses for the semantic webProceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 611-620 2009Cited 44 times
Sharing and reusing aligned ontologies with cupboardProceedings of the fifth international conference on Knowledge capture, 179-180 2009Cited 13 times
Evolva: A comprehensive approach to ontology evolutionEuropean Semantic Web Conference, 944-948 2009Cited 46 times
Position paper on realizing smart products: Challenges for semantic web technologiesCEUR workshop proceedings 522, 135-147 2009Cited 51 times
Towards a formalization of ontology relations in the context of ontology repositoriesInternational Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering … 2009Cited 8 times
Reusing knowledge from the semantic web with the watson pluginProceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Posters and … 2008Cited 21 times
Exploring the semantic web as background knowledge for ontology matchingJournal on data semantics XI, 156-190 2008Cited 158 times
SCARLET: semantic relation discovery by harvesting online ontologiesEuropean Semantic Web Conference, 854-858 2008Cited 64 times
EdHibou: a customizable interface for decision support in a semantic portalarXiv preprint arXiv:0811.0310 2008Cited 4 times
Using background knowledge for ontology evolutionCited 25 times
La représentation de points de vue dans le système d'aide à la décision en cancérologie KASIMIRCited 0 times
Results from experiments in ontology learning including evaluation and recommendationAgricultural Information and Knowledge Management Papers (FAO) 2007Cited 1 times
Change management for metadata evolutionProceedings of the International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD-07) 2740 2007Cited 27 times
Ontology modularization for knowledge selection: Experiments and evaluationsInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 874-883 2007Cited 107 times
Matching ontologies for contextCited 6 times
Vers l'implantation d'un moteur d'inférences pour une logique de descriptions avec domaine concret flouRencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications-LFA-06 2006Cited 1 times
Adaptation knowledge acquisition: A case study for case‐based decision support in oncologyComputational intelligence 22 (3‐4), 161-176 2006Cited 81 times
Raisonnement à partir de cas décentralisé pour le Web sémantique14th CBR workshop, Besançon, France 6 2006Cited 2 times
Case-based reasoning within semantic web technologiesInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems … 2006Cited 12 times
Vers une utilisation du critère pessimiste de Wald pour l’aide à la décision à partir de casactes du treizième atelier raisonnement à partir de cas, RàPC’05, plate … 2005Cited 2 times
Une étude comparative de quelques travaux sur l’acquisition de connaissances d’adaptation pour le raisonnement à partir de cas12ème Atelier de Raisonnement à Partir de Cas-RàPC 4 2004Cited 14 times
Acquisition of adaptation knowledge for breast cancer treatment decision supportConference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, 304-313 2003Cited 7 times
The kasimir project: knowledge management in cancerologyCited 15 times
Towards principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledgeGuarino & Poli (eds): Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis & Knowledge … 1993Cited 4 times
NeOn Toolkit Plug-in for Visualization and Navigation in Ontologies and Ontology Networks Based on Concept Summarization and CategorizingNeOn Project Deliverable D 4 undefinedCited 5 times
Leveraging Ontologies for Knowledge Graph SchemasCited 3 times
Towards sharing task environments to support reproducible evaluations of interactive recommender systemsarXiv preprint arXiv:1909.06133 2019Cited 1 times
Discovering links between side effects and drugs using a diffusion based methodScientific reports 9 (1), 1-10 2019Cited 12 times
Afel-analytics for everyday learningCompanion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 439-440 2018Cited 4 times
Facilitating scientometrics in learning analytics and educational data mining–the LAK datasetSemantic Web 8 (3), 395-403 2017Cited 11 times
On the use of Linked Open Data in education: Current and future practicesOpen data for education, 3-15 2016Cited 20 times
The 3rd LAK data competitionProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And … 2015Cited 0 times
On requirements for federated data integration as a compilation processCEUR-WS. org 1362, 75-80 2015Cited 3 times
An ontology design pattern to define explanationsProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 1-8 2015Cited 13 times
Propagation of policies in rich data flowsProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 1-8 2015Cited 12 times
Extracting URI patterns from SPARQL endpointsTechnical report, Knowledge Media Institute 2014Cited 2 times
Linked Learning 2013 (LILE2013): 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of DataInternational World Wide Web Conference 2013, 407-408 2013Cited 0 times
Assessing the educational linked data landscapeProceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 43-46 2013Cited 65 times
On the privacy implications of releasing consumer-activity dataKnowledge Media Institute, Tech. Report kmi-13-02 2013Cited 1 times
Putting Linked Data to Use in a Large Higher-Education Organisation.ILD@ ESWC, 9-21 2012Cited 33 times
Realizing networks of proactive smart productsInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2012Cited 2 times
Combining Data Mining and Ontology Engineering to Enrich Ontologies and Linked Data.KNOW@ LOD 868, 19-24 2012Cited 25 times
Where to publish and find ontologies? A survey of ontology librariesJournal of Web Semantics 11, 96-111 2012Cited 217 times
LiLe 2012 2nd international workshop on learning and education with the web of data: 17 April 2012, at the World Wide Web Conference 2012 (WWW2012), Lyon, FranceCEUR Workshop Proceedings 840 2012Cited 0 times
Discou: A flexible discovery engine for open educational resources using semantic indexing and relationship summariesProceedings of the 2012th International Conference on Posters … 2012Cited 17 times
Unsupervised learning of link discovery configurationExtended Semantic Web Conference, 119-133 2012Cited 120 times
Extracting relevant questions to an RDF dataset using formal concept analysisProceedings of the sixth international conference on Knowledge capture, 121-128 2011Cited 29 times
Self-tracking on the web: Why and howCited 4 times
Short paper: Enabling Lightweight Semantic Sensor Networks on Android DevicesSEMANTIC SENSOR NETWORKS workshop, 78 2011Cited 5 times
What should I link to? Identifying relevant sources and classes for data linkingJoint International Semantic Technology Conference, 284-299 2011Cited 41 times
How much semantic data on small devices?International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2010Cited 17 times
Ontology summarization: an analysis and an evaluationCited 30 times
Scaling up question-answering to linked dataInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2010Cited 53 times
Who wants a piece of me? reconstructing a user profile from personal web activity logsInternational ESWC Workshop on Linking of User Profiles and Applications in … 2010Cited 6 times
The 3rd international workshop on ontology dynamics-IWOD 2009CEUR Workshop Proceedings 519, 1-2 2009Cited 0 times
Ontology distances for contextualisationCited 7 times
Criteria and evaluation for ontology modularization techniquesModular ontologies, 67-89 2009Cited 99 times
Neon tool support for building ontologies by reuseDemo International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies 2009Cited 5 times
FABilT–finding answers in a billion triplesCited 3 times
Moaw-uri’s everywhere4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (challenge entry), ESWC 2008 2008Cited 2 times
Modeling adaptation of breast cancer treatment decision protocols in the Kasimir projectApplied Intelligence 28 (3), 261-274 2008Cited 22 times
PowerMagpie: A Semantic Web Browser–v1Cited 3 times
Towards a Parametric Ontology Modularization Framework Based on Graph Transformation.WoMO 315 2007Cited 35 times
Towards a semantic portal for oncology using a description logic with fuzzy concrete domainsCapturing Intelligence 1, 379-393 2006Cited 20 times
Decentralized case-based reasoning for the Semantic WebInternational Semantic Web Conference, 142-155 2005Cited 64 times
Knowledge editing and maintenance tools for a semantic portal in oncologyInternational journal of human-computer studies 62 (5), 619-638 2005Cited 35 times
Vers un Web sémantique en cancérologieCited 3 times
Open Data for EducationCited 0 times
RICDaM: Recommending Interoperable and Consistent Data ModelsISWC (Demos/Industry) 2020Cited 1 times
Synergy Between Embedding and Protein Functional Association Networks for Drug Label Prediction using Harmonic FunctionIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2020Cited 0 times
SPARQL Query Recommendation by Example: Assessing the Impact of Structural Analysis on Star-Shaped Queries2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019) 2019Cited 1 times
Lile2019: 8th international workshop on learning and education with web dataCompanion Publication of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, 15-16 2019Cited 1 times
BEARS: Towards an evaluation framework for bandit-based interactive recommender systemsREVEAL 18, October 6-7, 2018, Vancouver, Canada 2018Cited 2 times
Re-coding Black Mirror Chairs' Welcome & OrganizationCompanion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1527-1528 2018Cited 5 times
Privacy, security and policies: A review of problems and solutions with semantic web technologiesSemantic Web 9 (2), 153-161 2018Cited 20 times
Towards an" Ethics by Design" Methodology for AI Research ProjectsProceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 54-59 2018Cited 17 times
The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 13th International Conference, ESWC 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29--June 2, 2016, ProceedingsSpringer 2016Cited 2 times
LOTED2: An ontology of European public procurement noticesSemantic Web 7 (3), 267-293 2016Cited 37 times
Smart cities' data: Challenges and opportunities for semantic technologiesIEEE Internet Computing 19 (6), 66-70 2015Cited 43 times
Data patterns explained with linked dataJoint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in … 2015Cited 5 times
The Listening Experience Database Project: Collating the Responses of the" Ordinary Listener" to Prompt New Insights into Musical Experience.International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review 13 2015Cited 1 times
Ontology evolution: a process-centric surveyThe knowledge engineering review 30 (1), 45-75 2015Cited 147 times
Dedalo: Looking for clusters explanations in a labyrinth of linked dataEuropean Semantic Web Conference, 333-348 2014Cited 35 times
From datasets to datanodes: An ontology pattern for networks of data artifactsSemantic Web Journal (submitted), http://semantic-web-journal. net/content … 2014Cited 2 times
The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges: 11th International Conference, ESWC 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014, ProceedingsSpringer 2014Cited 10 times
Describing semantic web applications through relations between data nodesTechnical Report kmi-14–05, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University … 2014Cited 8 times
Building the open elements of an open data competitionCited 12 times
Using neural networks to aggregate linked data rulesInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2014Cited 6 times
Quantifying the bias in data linksInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management … 2014Cited 6 times
Building listening experience linked data through crowd-sourcing and reuse of library dataProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Digital Libraries for … 2014Cited 3 times
Semantic Web Technologies for Social Translucence and Privacy Mirrors on the Web.PrivOn@ ISWC 2013Cited 2 times
Linked data and online classifications to organise mined patterns in patient dataAMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2013, 681 2013Cited 6 times
Visualizing and navigating ontologies with KC-VizOntology engineering in a networked world, 343-362 2012Cited 11 times
Linking data across universities: an integrated video lectures datasetInternational Semantic Web Conference, 49-64 2011Cited 30 times
A platform for semantic web studiesCited 3 times
Visualizing consensus with online ontologies to support quality in ontology developmentCited 3 times
LOTED: Exploiting Linked Data in Analyzing European Procurement NoticesOntoQual workshop at EKAW 2010 2010Cited 19 times
Context-based matching revisitedCited 0 times
Special issue on ontology dynamicsJournal of Logic and Computation 19 (5), 717-719 2009Cited 8 times
Investigating the use of background knowledge for assessing the relevance of statements to an ontology in ontology evolutionCEUR Workshop Proceedings 519 2009Cited 5 times
Door: Towards a formalization of ontology relationsCited 54 times
Formally measuring agreement and disagreement in ontologiesProceedings of the fifth international conference on Knowledge capture, 145-152 2009Cited 27 times
Relation Discovery from the Semantic Web.International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008Cited 8 times
Automatic Identification of Ontology Versions Using Machine Learning Techniques Carlo AlloccaCited 0 times
Semantic SearchCited 0 times
Cupboard–a place to expose your ontologies to applications and the communityEuropean Semantic Web Conference, 913-918 2009Cited 68 times
Finding equivalent ontologies in watsonProceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Posters and … 2008Cited 6 times
What can be done with the semantic web? an overview of watson-based applicationsCEUR Workshop Proceedings 426 2008Cited 43 times
Toward a new generation of semantic web applicationsIEEE Intelligent Systems 23 (3), 20-28 2008Cited 206 times
The 7th International Semantic Web ConferenceCited 0 times
Identifying key concepts in an ontology, through the integration of cognitive principles with statistical and topological measuresAsian Semantic Web Conference, 242-256 2008Cited 136 times
Watson: A gateway for the semantic webCited 76 times
Characterizing knowledge on the semantic web with watsonCited 131 times
Lifecycle Support for Networked OntologiesCited 0 times